Wednesday, September 5, 2007

just as Rick Springfield warned...

Last night I turned in early due to my post-Labor-Day-visit-the-family-then-have-a-rum-and-coke-to-ease-my-troubles exhaustion, around 9:30. Around 9:35 Elsie started barking and I heard a loud noise. I went to the front window and found that someone was parked in my driveway. I peered for a few minutes to make sure (A) it wasn't someone I know coming to visit me happy sleepy time and (B) it wasn't someone preparing to kill me. There was a young blond girl walking up and down the sidewalk in front of our house, talking on a cell phone. So I went out and asked her what she was doing parking in my driveway. She stammered and explained that her dad was over at the next door neighbor's house looking to buy a motorcycle from them, and that there wasn't room elsewhere to park. I said something like "well I just want to make sure you don't park here all night" and went inside. But then I of course thought to myself "SAY SOMETHING! TELL HER TO PARK ON THE STREET! GET OUT OF MY DRIVEWAY!!" but I felt too stupid to go out again.
So I decided to sick my vicious dogs on her…I let them loose in the backyard. Typically they will bark their heads off at the slightest movement outside (much to my annoyance). This time, I let them outside, they barked for a few seconds, and then headed back to the house. What gives? What good is it to have a pit bull if you can't scare unwanted strangers away?!?
The girl spent another good half hour running her dad's truck's engine and preening herself in the mirror. They finally left around 10:15, sans motorcycle.

For being rude and inconsiderate, the random late-night strangers and our crappy neighbors (who are going to rent out that stupid house when they move in a few weeks to someone I'm sure will bug the hell out of me) BOTH GET A THUMBS DOWN!!!

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